The last day found our spirits to be high and expectations hopeful. We set out as usual with stomachs full from the bountiful breakfast. Overall fishing was tough for most of the day due to low water clarity. There are several major tributaries upriver that added a milky stain to the Skeena. In light of the murky water we still landed some amazing fish.

John with a chrome Coho
Today was the day of silver salmon, the group hooked several green back cohos that annihilated our flies. Several of these fish were over 10 pounds and provided hilarious entertainment as they took to the air, tail walked and cart-wheeled. We were successful in landing several of these fish and took some great shots.

Another great Coho

Mike with a rocket Coho
Among the silvers we also landed several sockeye and pinks, however, we did not find any steelhead for the day.
This entry will continue tomorrow with the final entry for the trip plus more photos.